The Royal Library
Address: Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 1221 Copenhagen K
Does the organizer offer any accommodation or hotel packages?
The conference organizer does not have any arrangements with hotels, however you can find a list of hotels close to the conference Venue on the Accommodation page of the Conference website.
Are there hotels nearby?
You can check the Accommodation page of the Conference website or for further options.
How is the weather in the city?
To find accurate and real-time weather information, check a weather forecast website or app closer to the time of your visit
Taxi or Ride-Sharing
Taxis or ride-sharing services like Uber or Bolt (if available in the area) can take you directly there, though this can be more expensive than public transit.
The nearest train station is Dybbølsbro Station, which is a 5-10 minute walk from Copenhagen Island. If you’re coming from Copenhagen Central Station, it’s just one stop away.
Metro and Bus
You can also take the Metro to Kongens Nytorv or Christianshavn and transfer to buses that pass by the Fisketorvet Shopping Center or Dybbølsbro area, which are close to Copenhagen Island.
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