Conference Speakers

Keynote Speaker

education conference

Dr. Laurie L. Wellner

Graduate School of Education, Touro University, USA
Presentation Title: Harmonizing Perspectives: Trust and Ethical Collaboration in Special Needs Education
Laurie L. Wellner is the Deputy Chair of the Education and Special Education program in the Graduate School of Education at Touro University in New York. She specializes in teacher education, autism, special education and organizational leadership, ADHD, trust theory and ethics in education, and the successful communication and collaboration with stakeholders for the improvement of the educational process. Dr. Wellner has over 30 years of experience in education spanning from public school service in California as a general and special education teacher and various special education administrative positions as well as faculty and leadership positions in higher education. She earned her Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne in California.

Past Speakers

education conference

Dr. David Murphy

Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada
Presentation Title: Stories of Experience: Learning through listening Allowing the power of stories to engage and inspire learning

David Murphy is a Senior Lecturer at Simon Fraser University (SFU), with a PhD in curriculum and pedagogy from University of British Columbia (UBC). His research and teaching are on media production as a pedagogical practice of literacy. With a background in sound design, music, and acoustic ecology, David emphasises listening as foundational to his approach to teaching and learning. 

education conference

Professor Naven Chetty

Professor Naven Chetty serves as the Dean for Teaching and Learning in the College of Agriculture, Engineering, and Science (CAES) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), a role he has occupied since 2017. With over 18 years at the institution, he received the College Distinguished Teachers' Award (CDTA) in 2015, recognizing his exemplary teaching commitment. In acknowledgement of his student centredness and innovative teaching, Chetty received the UKZN Distinguished Teachers Award in 2017.

education conference

Dr. Maria de Fátima Goulão

Maria de Fátima Goulão has a degree and a master's degree in Educational Psychology and a PhD in Educational Sciences from Universidade Aberta. She completed her post-doctoral research entitled "Promoting self-regulated learning in online higher education through the calibration strategy". She is currently a member of the Department of Education and Distance Learning at the Universidade Aberta (Open University), Portugal. She has participated in several national and international seminars and congresses, where she has presented papers in the areas of distance education, self-efficacy and self-regulation of learning in an online context and pedagogical support for students in online teaching.

education conference

Rocío Gragera

Rocío is a Researcher and lecturer in English and translation and interpretation. She is currently pursuing an international PhD at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of La Laguna (Spain). She has a predoctoral research contract and is part of the research group "Discourse, Communication and Society" as well as the pedagogical innovation group "New Technologies Applied to the Teaching of Specialized Languages." Her research focuses on corpus methodology. This emerging researcher has organized and participated in several conferences over the past two years, in addition to delivering numerous presentations in the fields of language teaching, applied linguistics, translation, and interpretation.

Dr. Philip Hulbig

Dr. Hulbig researches and develops programs of Metacognitive Problem Solving, and has a lifetime of experience in special education. His expertise spans human development, self-regulation, and the neurology of learning. He has designed, and is presently supporting the creation of, unique, specialized metacognitive programs based on the GTMI theoretical model outlined in his book The Pedagogy of Self-Authorship. He hopes to create a network of metacognitive tutors to spread self-directed learning and support trauma-informed educational practices.

Prof. Randa Khair Abbas

Prof. Randa Khair Abbas is the president of the Arab Academic College of Education in Israel. Her general research interests include multi-cultural education, crosscultural education, educational leadership, religious and family structures in the Arab community and the impact of modernization on the Arab community in Israel. Prof. Randa Khair Abbas also works in advocating women's rights and the advancement of Arab women in the professional and academic landscapes.

Advocate Zaki Kamal

Zaki Kamal is a well-known and highly respected lawyer in Israel. He is Governor of the Arab Academic College of Education in Israel and senior lecturer in the fields of education and law. An expert in political and public policy matters. He has published more that 11 books on the topics of: thought, education, literature, politics and law, and social justice in multicultural settings. He is also a weekly columnist in several newspapers and websites in Israel and around the world on education, politics and law. He is committed to the values and practice of social justice, dialogue, respect and peaceful existence between communities.

Dr. Linda Cummins

Dr. Cummins earned her MSW and PhD from the Ohio State University and has worked as a social work and education researcher, policy practitioner, and educator for 25 years. She is a full professor at National University, and co-author of Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice; and, Policy Practice for Social Workers: An Ethic of Care Approach. Her current research is on Moral Orientation and its Influence on Practice and Policy.

Dr. Esmael Salman

Dr. Esmael Salman is the Vice President of the Arab Academic College of Education in Israel - Haifa, Dean of Engineering Studies, Head of the Programs for Data Analysis, and Head of the Teaching Certificate Program for Technological Education. Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, supervisor and judge of master's theses and dissertations. His research interests include teaching computer science, designing digital environments, STEAM, innovative simulated learning, Learning in interactive virtual environments and artificial intelligence applications in education. Dr. Salman has authored six books. Dr. Salman is active in organizing conferences on science teaching and digital learning.

Dr. Laurie L. Wellner

Laurie L. Wellner is the Deputy Chair of the Education and Special Education program in the Graduate School of Education at Touro University in New York. She specializes in teacher education, autism, special education and organizational leadership, ADHD, trust theory and ethics in education, and the successful communication and collaboration with stakeholders for the improvement of the educational process. Dr. Wellner has over 30 years of experience in education spanning from public school service in California as a general and special education teacher and various special education administrative positions as well as faculty and leadership positions in higher education. She earned her Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne in California.

Xuanmeng Lyu

Xuanmeng Lyu is a Master's student in Language Studies (Corpus Empirical Studies) at City University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on corpus linguistics, critical discourse analysis, and the education topics of applying corpus linguistics to classroom teaching. She holds an MSc in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor's degree in English from the Dalian University of Foreign Languages. After her first master's graduation, she worked as an HR and Supply Chain operation manager at Intel for three years. She had various volunteer experiences in teaching English and was a 10-month volunteer English teacher to teach adult refugees and asylum seekers in one community in Wales, UK. Outside of her academic work, Xuanmeng enjoys rowing and reading books on Buddhism.​

Xianjing Wang

Xianjing Wang is an international school music teacher from Shanghai, China. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Piano Performance and a Master's degree in Musicology. As a dedicated professional, Xianjing is a member of the Global Association of Music Educators and the World Piano Teachers Association. Her passion lies in the field of music education, with a particular focus on piano education.

Helen Verroux

Helen Verroux aka Coach Helen is an Educational Consultant, a speaker, a John Maxwell certified transformational leadership coach, The Author of The Success Guide For Teens and The Founder of “The Attendance Boost Blueprint” workshop & program for high school leaders and trust leaders dedicated to boost their school attendance with simple proven strategies that build a thriving school culture without adding to their workload by providing an online comprehensive holistic whole-school approach engagement program.

Lancine Magassouba​

MAGASSOUBA Lancine hails from Mali, West Africa. He started his career at a private-for-profit institution in 2009 before transitioning to a role as a teacher of English for the national government in June 2017. He is fluent in English, French, and Bambara. In 2022, he was awarded a prestigious JICA scholarship to come to Japan as a research student. In April 2023, he became a Master’s 1 student at Naruto University of Education, where he continues to pursue his academic and professional goals.

Noor Shamsuddin

Noor Shamsuddin is a PhD student at Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education (NU-GSE). His research interests encompass curriculum enactment, rural schools, school education, peace education, and teacher education. In 2022-23, he was honored with the Graduate Teaching Assistant Award from NU-GSE for his exceptional support in teaching graduate and undergraduate students. Before joining NU-GSE, he dedicated a decade to working with the Aga Khan Education Service Pakistan, serving as a teacher and later as Vice Principal in the Northern Mountainous rural belt of Pakistan.

Seda Erol Le Morellec

Seda Erol Le Morellec completed her Bachelor’s (BA) and Master’s (MA) degrees in the department of English Studies and Literature at the Sorbonne University (Paris IV). She has been working as an Academic English Instructor at Baskent University in Ankara. She is a PhD student in Translation and Interpretation Studies in English at Hacettepe University.

Di Fan

Di Fan received an MEd in English Language Learners from Vanderbilt University and an MA in Business English from Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications. As the Co-founder of E-talk Learning, Di also works as a curriculum designer and an EL teacher. Her long-standing interest lies in how educational technology shapes customized learning. Her recent and ongoing research focuses on enhancing multimodal reflection in online learning and piloting innovative approaches to its application.

Dongqing (Crystal) Yang

Dongqing (Crystal) Yang holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and Media from Teachers College, Columbia University. With five years of experience as a learning experience designer across diverse sectors, she currently serves as a Learning Experience Designer at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where she develops educational content for sales enablement. Crystal’s professional interests include exploring and leveraging the intersection of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education to drive innovation in learning design.

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